山下智久、退所後インスタ初投稿…事務所とファンに決意の“惜別メッセージ” (4/4ページ)


山下智久 Dear Fans, After much deliberation over the last three months, I have decided to part ways with Johnny & Associates. Johnny & Associates is my birthplace and it’s where I was raised. I learned so much from everyone who supported me there including all of you. It’s time to take a new step towards my childhood dreams. I will never forget that you have continued to support me over the last 24 years. It leaves me indescribably grateful for the warm words, love, courage, and hope that you have given me. I don't know what the future holds, but I will continue to move forward. Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone at Johnny & Associates for their warm support and words of encouragement. Regarding my future activities, I will keep you all posted via my social media. Tomohisa Yamashita

Tomohisa Yamashita(@tomo.y9)がシェアした投稿 - 2020年11月月11日午後7時00分PST

