山下智久、スペイン語を披露する動画に「短所ないの?」「生きててよかった」 (3/3ページ)


キャスト、スタッフも毎朝ハグから始まり、僕ら日本人にとっては、少し照れがある事かもしれないけど、とても素敵だなと思っています。 休みの前日は、スタッフの皆さん、ほぼ全員アロハシャツを着てきます!日本にはない文化なので、最初驚いたけど、休みの前の日の今日1日団結するぞ!って鼓舞し合えている事が、良い結果に繋がっていると思います。 それでも、撮影が終わって部屋に帰り一人になると、さすがに日本が恋しくなります。 そんな時、応援してくれているみんなのことを思い出すと、心に力が湧いてきます。 いつも勇気をくれてありがとう。 On my first day off in a long time I went to a famous local restaurant and tried to speak Spanish which I just started learning! Thank you @alvaromorte On set we have lots of cultural differences since the cast is from all over the world. Despite our differences we have been moving forward smoothly! It feels like we are on a ship with the same destination in mind. I believe tomorrow can always be better than today! The cast and crew start every morning with a hug, for us Japanese, we may be a little shy, but Im getting use to it and think it is very nice. The day before a holidays, almost all the crew will wear Aloha shirts! I was surprised at first since I have never experienced anything like that in Japan, but it really unites everyone! There is something special about inspiring each other to look forward to a common goal. Still, when I finish shooting and am alone in my hotel room, some times, I miss Home. At that time, I remember all of you who are supporting me and waiting for me. It always gives my heart a lot of power. Thank you for giving me courage

Tomohisa Yamashitaさん(@tomo.y9)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 8月月27日午後7時27分PDT

