“ドリカム激怒報道”YOSHIに明石家さんまが贈った言葉が「泣ける」! (4/4ページ)


行列のスタッフさんも、みてくれたみんなも本当にありがとう? My first variety show!! I met San Chan! He told me that “I’ll of course let you call me San Chan but if you call me like this many people might criticize you but don’t care about those people and keep your style!” He also told me that “I’m not gonna talk to you anymore if you change!” lol Thank you San Chan for your words. And thank you to all the staffs who were involved and all the people who watched the program!! Thank you!!!

?????(@yoshi.226)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年11月月3日午前5時02分PST

